Mini Digging Dinos Alternative Kit
This kit is an alternative to the big Digging Dinos Kit. It can be combined with some of the items from the large Digging Dinos kit for a smaller classroom experience.
Materials List
Bottom Layer:
Curriculum Wallet
DVD & USB (from Digging Dinos kit)
Middle Layer L to R (all from Digging Dinos kit):
#10 - Utahraptor foot claw
$12 - Black bear jaw - omnivore
#14 - Coyote jaw - carnivore
#18 - Petrified wood - fossil
#19 - Rock (jasper) - not a fossil
#11 - Grallator trackway fossil cast
#17 - Wood Section -not a fossil
Top Layer (from Digging Dinos kit):
#5 - Tarbosaurus toe bone
#9 - Tyrannasaurus tooth w/root
#15 - Modern seashell -not a fossil
#16 - Fossil seashell
Top Layer (3D Printed skulls):
A - Styracosaurus.
B - Diabloceratops
C - Triceratops
D - Nasutceratops
E - Kosmoceratops
F - Utahceratops